Making science accessible to everyone.

At The Partnership in Education, we believe that with the right tools and approach, fundamental principles of science can be accessible to everyone.

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We're on a mission to improve STEM education and health literacy.

Funded in part by the National Institutes of Health and the Hillman Foundation, we specialize in creating innovative, hands-on educational products that make science engaging, accessible, and fun for teachers, students, and learners of all ages.

Led by John Pollock, Ph.D., biologist and award-winning educator, we collaborate with a wide range of partners, such as artists and animators, game developers, educators, medical doctors, and researchers from leading institutions around the world.

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90% of adults may lack the skills needed to manage their health and prevent disease.
77 million adults in the US have basic or below basic health literacy.
The US ranks 25th among 70 countries in science education.

What they're saying...

"It can get kids, or anyone really, to identify with Darwin as a person...which can make it more interesting and easy to learn."
Kristen Sanford
Producer and Host of This Week in Science
"The information in the story is compelling enough to keep readers interested; my 10 year old was only disappointed that there wasn't more for her to read! For a free app, there is plenty here to learn and enjoy."
Emily Crawford
Parents' Choice
"'Chatting' with Darwin was really enjoyable and I imagine that for people who are unfamiliar with his life and work, there are a lot of surprises to be had. Even those who are familiar with Darwin will have fun."
Stephanie Keep
National Center for Science Education
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